7 of the Best Exercises to Boost Your Home Workout Gains

By Rajat Dhull

Bodyweight Squats: Bodyweight squats help build lower body strength and can be done without any equipment. They target the quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

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Push-Ups: Push-ups are a versatile upper body exercise that strengthens the chest, shoulders, and triceps. They can be modified to suit different fitness levels.

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Planks: Planks are effective for core strength and stability. They engage the abdominal muscles, back muscles, and shoulders while promoting good posture.

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Lunges: Lunges work the legs and glutes and help improve balance and coordination. You can do them with or without weights.

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Burpees: Burpees are a full-body exercise that combines squats, push-ups, and jumps. They provide a cardiovascular workout and help build strength.

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Dumbbell Rows: If you have dumbbells at home, rows are excellent for back and arm strength. They improve posture and can be done with minimal equipment.

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Jumping Jacks: Jumping jacks are a simple but effective cardio exercise that elevates your heart rate and promotes calorie burn, making them great for warm-ups or high-intensity intervals.

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7 Crazy Hairstyles ideas For Girls

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